Derechos y Política de Privacidad

Todo el software y material publicado en esta pagina está bajo el derecho exclusivo de PCNONOGames, con excepciones donde sean consentidos por nuestra aprobación.

En la política de privadad. Ninguna de nuestras aplicaciones o software trabaja con datos personales de los usuarios, como mucho, usan nickname para ser nombrados de algún modo. En cualquier caso, estos datos nunca son utilizados con más fin que la de la propia aplicación o juego requiere, y nunca serán distribuido ni facilitados a otros medios bajo nungún consentimiento.

@PCNONOGames 2021
All software and material published on this page is under the exclusive right of PCNONOGames, with exceptions where they are consented to by our approval.
In privacy policy. None of our applications or software works with personal data of the users, at most, they use nicknames to be named in some way. In any case, these data are never used for a purpose other than that of the application or game itself requires, and will never be distributed or provided to other media with no consent.
@PCNONOGames 2021
All software and material published on this page is under the exclusive right of PCNONOGames, with exceptions where they are consented to by our approval.
In privacy policy. None of our applications or software works with personal data of the users, at most, they use nicknames to be named in some way. In any case, these data are never used for a purpose other than that of the application or game itself requires, and will never be distributed or provided to other media with no consent.
@PCNONOGames 2021